The International Tinnitus Journal

The International Tinnitus Journal

Official Journal of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society
Official Journal of the Brazil Federal District Otorhinolaryngologist Society

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ISSN: 0946-5448

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Chemically Induced or Drug Induced Tinnitus

Author(s): Chemically Induced or Drug Induced Tinnitus

For approaching the truth about the clinical phenomenon of tinnitus from more and more possible aspects, it is important in the sense of the old Aristotelean systematics of scientific thinking to choose various and alternating directions for regarding the phenomenon. Therefore, today I am also choosing a biochemical angle of view. Our model of good and bad hearing, ear noise or tinnitus, is primarily demonstrated in the dimension of physics and modern data technology. Hearing is based on the transmission of physical sounds from the surrounding world by resonance in space to the outer ear; the physical amplifier of the middle ear; and finally by digital data transmission from the cochlea via the hearing pathways to the temporal lobe of the brain. However, the human spirit, with all its sensory capacities, does not reside in a technically isolated house nor in a computer, but in a chemically constructed and biologically functioning human body.